

Welcome to Jackson Youth Hockey!! Players here you can access pertinent information for your season. All team information and schedules can be found on your team page, while this page will have links and other pertinent information for you to check out!

Is there more we need to be sharing? Let us know by emailing your team manager, coach, or our communications liaison.


Mini Mite Mite Squirt PeeWee Bantam Midget U16 Girl U19 Girl
Helmet with Face Mask X X X X X X X X
Mouth Guard R R X X X X X X
Neck Guard X X X X X X X X
Shoulder Pads R X X X X X X
Elbow Pads X X X X X X X X
Hockey Gloves X X X X X X X X
Hockey Pants/ Hip Pads R R X X X X X X
Athletic Cup/Pelvic Protector R X X X X X X
Shin Pads X X X X X X X X
Hockey Socks R X X X X X X
Hockey Skates X X X X X X X X
Stick X X X X X X X X
X=Mandatory Equipment
R= Recommended Equipment
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